Consent Preferences

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION - Architect and Engineering Services for Public Housing Portfolio (2024-HPHC-004)

29 Jan 2024 12:44 PM | Anonymous

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION - Architect and Engineering Services for Public Housing Portfolio (2024-HPHC-004)

29, January 2024



Architect and Engineering Services for Public Housing Portfolio

The Highland Park Housing Commission (“HPHC”) requests qualifications from qualified architect and engineer firms on an as-needed basis through the use of Task Orders.  Each proposed team must demonstrate that it can provide Architecture and Engineering services including Architecture, Site and Land Planning, Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Cost Estimating and Construction Contract Administration. If the offeror does not provide all of the requested architectural and/or engineering services in-house, offerors are allowed to include sub-consultants as part of its team. The contract is expected to have an overall duration of up to two (2) years, which includes one (1) initial base year, and one (1), one-year extension option to be exercised at HPHC’s sole discretion.

Once an indefinite quantity task order contract has been established between the parties and HPHC identifies a need, the HPHC will prepare and request a scope of services, independent cost estimate of services and a request for Task 10 business days as prescribed in the Request for Task Order Proposal to be issued by the HPHC, depending on the complexity of the scope of services. HPHC will review and negotiate the Not-To-Exceed Task Order Fee proposal (based on the original hourly rates established in the base contract) and come to an agreement with the firm. At this time the HPHC will issue a written Task Order Notice to Proceed identifying the Not-To-Exceed Task Order price and schedule.

The A/E Services may include, but not necessarily be limited to, the services set forth in Article A of the HUD Model Form of Agreement, HUD-51915 (See Attachment O) and as follows. Specific A/E services will be requested per task as needed in a Request for Task Order Proposal.  Additionally, the A/E may be requested to provide professional A/E Services specifically related to ADA and Section 504/Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.

The objective of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit the specified Services and enter into a Contract with a qualified firm to provide these services to the HPHC, with main office location of 13725 John R Street, Highland Park, MI 48203.

Obtaining the RFP: The Housing Commission will issue a public notice regarding the Request for Proposal and may also directly solicit proposals from known firms and/or individuals. To obtain the RFP package, please contact Joy Flood, Executive Director of HPHC at (248-410-6295) or by email There will not be a cost for requesting a package.

Questions: Any questions or requests for further information or clarification must be directed to Joy Flood, Executive Direct of HPHC by email ( no later than 12:00 noon, EST, Friday, February 4, 2024.  Further, a virtual Teams call is scheduled for Thursday, February 8, 2024, from Noon EST to 1:00pm EST.  Please email to be receive an invitation.

Submission Instructions and Deadline: Proposals must clearly indicate the name of the project, "Architectural & Engineering Services", the Specification Number “2024-HPHC-004” and the time and the date specified for receipt. The name and the address of the Proposer must be clearly printed on all correspondence. We will only accept electronic submissions via email at until 12:00 p.m. (EST), Friday, February 16, 2024. Any responses received after that time will not be accepted. Upon receipt of all proposals, HPHC reserves the right to make an award after evaluating each package according to qualifications and past experience. Section 3, Women and Minority-owned firms are strongly encouraged to submit a proposal.  If a Firm has submitted a quote in error, the original quote may be picked up and resubmitted before the submission deadline.

2024-HPHC-004_Architectural-Engineering-Services-RFQ FINAL.pdf



Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials

169 Templar, Pinckney, Michigan  48169               Phone: 734.498.2493               Fax: 734.275.3699

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