Consent Preferences

Direct Deposit Agreements for Residents & Landlords

  • 07 Feb 2012 3:08 PM
    Message # 818544
    Do any of you accept rent payments from your residents or make HAP payments to landlords via direct deposit?
  • 08 Feb 2012 7:17 AM
    Reply # 819497 on 818544


    I have had a few residents ask for this in the past but not enough to investigate further.  I currently do not have direct deposit agreements with any landlords or tenants in Mt. Pleasant at this time.

    Last modified: 08 Feb 2012 7:18 AM | Annessa Haist
  • 08 Feb 2012 10:30 AM
    Reply # 819648 on 818544
    Hi Lee I do not have agreements for either at this time, but I'm just now starting the preparations to do direct deposit for lanlord payments.
  • 08 Feb 2012 10:34 AM
    Reply # 819655 on 818544
    Lee, We do both at Port Huron, We have been making direct deposits to landlords (made it mandatory) for awhile and it is going weel and very efficient. We recently starting accepting the tenant payments and so far so good.
  • 08 Feb 2012 10:36 AM
    Reply # 819658 on 818544
    Deleted user
    We make over half of our HAP payments to landlords by direct deposit.  We prefer them to sign up for it.  We do not have it for the tenants.
  • 08 Feb 2012 10:39 AM
    Reply # 819662 on 818544
    Lee -- at Detroit Housing Commission we are not able to collect rent payments electronically right now due to old software, but on the Section 8 side we do require landlords to accept direct deposit payments.  There is a form on our website that they must complete and return, and it is working very well (through Emphasys Elite).  We still mail monthly landlord statements, but are working on eliminating those through allowing landlords to access this information on the website.  I hope this is helpful. 
  • 08 Feb 2012 10:41 AM
    Reply # 819665 on 818544
    We have offered direct deposit for landlords for several years. We are working towards having all landlords receiving direct deposits. We don't yet offer direct debiting of rent payments for our tenants, but are currently investigating it.
  • 08 Feb 2012 10:49 AM
    Reply # 819670 on 818544

    Hi Lee

    We do direct deposit only for HAP.  With residents we've tried to set up direct credit, but our software malfunctions frequently and residents struggle with it.

  • 08 Feb 2012 11:06 AM
    Reply # 819683 on 818544

    The Livonia Housing Commission uses both.  It is mandatory for our Section 8 landlords and we have been doing this for almost 5 years.  We do not send statements to the landlords, our computer software vendor (HAB) has a product that we use which allows the landlords to view their payment history on line and print their detail pament history for up to 18 months.  This has worked great for our PHA. 

    We also offer our public housing tenants the option to sign up to have their rent automaticaly taken out of their bank accounts and we have approximately 65% of our tenants who participate. 

  • 08 Feb 2012 11:48 AM
    Reply # 819746 on 818544
    We do not collect tenant rent via ACH payments.  We do, however, pay our Section 8 landlords via direct deposit.  In fact, our policy states that we will only pay landlords via direct deposit.
Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials

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