Consent Preferences

Section 8 vouchers

  • 09 Feb 2012 4:40 PM
    Message # 821083
    I have been a commissioner for about four years and I am offend confronted with complaints, from the the public, about the income processing time and rules.  In this current economy most people work serveral different jobs.  If I am correct the office staff processes rent quarterly or annually. To try to make a long story short...when a resident has high wage their rent is not calculated on that amount until 4 to 12 months later and at that time the person is making very low wages but the rent goes up and they can't pay it.  If someone helps them pay the rent they can't afford to pay , that amount must be reported as income.  Why can't rent be calculated monthly?  Incomes must be turned in momthly...this is very confusing to me  PLEASE HELP!  Thank You
  • 13 Feb 2012 7:51 AM
    Reply # 823873 on 821083

    Each Housing Commission may have a different processing procedure.  It depends on the policies that the board has adopted.  It can be different for each program also.  Sometimes it is very burdensome on office staff and almost impossible to keep up with all the income changes that a household can go through in any given year.  There are so many steps involved with processing just one change.  If you're a smaller agency, it may be feasible to process changes in income as they occur.  It would be cumbersome to change the way that process is conducted.  Your Director would be the person to ask as far as rent and income calculation procedures are concerned.  Does he or she feel there is a need to look at changing the process?  Are the majority of residents complaining or the same handful every time they have a change?  Regardless, the residents are always paying rent that is affordable to them. 

    There are a number of things to look at.  I hope this helps you some and thank you for your service on the Board.  I know that is not an easy job.

    Last modified: 13 Feb 2012 7:54 AM | Annessa Haist
Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials

169 Templar, Pinckney, Michigan  48169               Phone: 734.498.2493               Fax: 734.275.3699

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